Thursday, 23 April 2020


Hand Made Models 

A collection of work inspired by my time spent in isolation.

Model 1

Feeling of Confinement

Model 2

Hopelessness. The bar-like shadows from the window frames reflect a feeling of confinement and lack of control in one's actions. 

Model 3

Open space that is welcoming. 

Model 4

Perspective on the matter. The space creates a seperation between the two figures. 

Model 5

Awkward ceiling.

Saturday, 18 April 2020


1:25 Model 

1:30 Model

1:25 Model

1:20 Model

1:20 Model

Monday, 13 April 2020


Grayscale is a powerful tool in model making, dramatically altering the mood and atmosphere of a scene to coincide with particular ideas and emotions. The accentuation of shadows and dark areas of a scene provides the possibility to experiment with unique shapes that can either overpower a scene to trigger distinctive emotions of hopelessness or in contrast highlight the light areas of a scene to demonstrate hope and optimism. As seen in the image below, textures and a multitude of dark shapes are exposed and highlighted in the backdrop to create a gloomy and raw feel that slowly fades into light as the viewer draws their attention to the foreground.